This is an educational site that seeks to provide some information as well
as links to other sites that deal with
issues pertaining to immigration to the United States. This information is meant
to support 4th to 10th grade
students who may wish to carry out projects in this subject area.
Immigration and the role it played and continues to play in U.S. history and
governance is important to the
education of all Americans. Immigration and related subjects are included
in the curricula of most elementary
schools, studied again in middle schools and then in greater depth in high schools.
The purpose of this website is
to support those efforts by helping teachers and students identify useful and
relevant information over the internet.
Each page on this site seeks to provide answers to a particular question on
immigration. Thus, in addition to the information given, links are provided
to sites which the author deems relevant to the question being addressed. A
glossary is also included for quick reference.
These set of pages have been put together by Stephen Asunka, an MA student
in Instructional Technology and Media at Teachers College, Columbia University.
It is a project which forms part of a summer workshop titled web-publishing
as an educational activity, held at Teachers College in June 2002, with
Alyson Vogel as the Instructor.
Feel free to explore the site and send any questions or comments to asunkas@netscape.net.
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