Course Writings

Course Writings

This page displays links to some of my course writings during my student days at Columbia University. Of course, most of the content can be described as outdated, but they can still be a valuable resource to some people. If you find any of them useful, please feel free to download, and possibly share.

  1. Web-based versus Traditional Classroom Learning: A Proposed Experimental Study (2003):
    A research proposal for a Research Methods class
    (download .pdf)
  2. Adult Learning and Technology (2006):
    A course assignment that discusses the integration of Carl Rogers' Principles in the design and delivery of technology-enabled science lessons in higher education
    (download .pdf)
  3. Discussion as a way of teaching: A reflection on a case study (2007):
    A reflective piece on a case study: The discussion from hell (in Gary's eyes). The case talks about one Prof. Gary who decided to introduce discussion in his "Introduction to Critical Thinking" class at the very first meeting of the class of 26 students. Unfortunately, the activity turned out to be a "discussion from hell"
    (download .pdf)
  4. Distance Learning Review (2001):
    A course assignment that analyzes a Distance Learning Website based on some established criteria to see its strong and weak points, and puts forth recommendations as to how the site can be improved.
    (download .docx  .pdf).
  5. Fast Food Nation (2001):
    An Analytic Paper on Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal
    by Eric Schlosser (2001)
    (download .docx  .pdf).
  6. Global Perspectives on E-Learning: Rhetoric and Reality (2005):
    This paper offers a comparative analysis of some sections of the book: Global Perspectives on E-learning: Rhetoric and Reality by Carr-Chellman (Ed.) (2005), with the view of identifying how the prospects of distance learning in different parts of the world can potentially influence the prospects of distance learning becoming a global reality.
    (download  .docx  .pdf).
  7. Media Evaluation (2005):
    This article discusses the strengths and weaknesses of three different media with regard to their application to communication and learning.
    (download  .docx  .pdf).
  8. Tipping Point Essay (2005):
    This article offers a brief analysis of Malcolm Gladwell's Book - The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, in an attempt to show how the issues raised therein can be applied in the implementation of Distance Learning Courses and Projects.
    (download  .docx  .pdf).
  9. Webquests - A Literature Review (2005):
    This article reviews the literature on the WebQuest, and discusses its use in fostering critical thinking in learners.
    (download  .docx  .pdf).
  10. Term Paper - The Professor in Mid-Life Career Change (2002):
    This paper discusses the various stages of an academic career with emphasis on the mid-career stage, examines the issue intellectual migration in mid-career, and offers suggestions as to what role academia should play regarding the issue of intellectual migration.
    (download  .docx  .pdf).
  11. Women in Science (2002):
    An Analytic Paper on the book: "Women's Work" in Science, by Margaret W. Rossiter (1996).
    (download  .docx  .pdf)
  12. Research in Academia (2002):
    This paper discusses the tensions inherent in the individual-community duality of academic research and their implications on the professor's academic career.
    (download  .docx  .pdf)